AI in the Workplace

Top Techniques to Prevent AI Hallucinations

AI Hallucinations can create critical challenges. Explore effective strategies for preventing AI hallucinations to improve model accuracy and reliability, ensuring safer and more trustworthy AI systems.
Last updated on
August 26, 2024 20:42
min read

Studies that don't exist and quotes people never uttered: AI hallucinations are everywhere.

And as artificial intelligence continues to become a part of our daily working lives, these hallucinations have become a growing concern.

Hallucinations occur when AI systems generate false or misleading information, and they pose significant challenges for businesses and individuals who rely on AI-powered tools like ChatGPT, Claude, and Microsoft Copilot.

This is why understanding and addressing AI hallucinations is crucial to ensure the reliability and effectiveness of AI applications in today's fast-paced digital landscape.

So, let's dive in.

Understanding AI Hallucinations

Definition of AI Hallucinations

AI hallucinations refer to instances where artificial intelligence systems generate false or misleading information while presenting it as factual.

This phenomenon occurs when large language models (LLMs), which power many AI tools and chatbots, produce responses based on probabilistic predictions rather than factual reasoning or genuine understanding.

Essentially, AI hallucinations are responses that appear plausible but are ungrounded in reality.

The term "hallucination" draws a loose analogy with human psychology, though it's important to note that AI hallucinations involve erroneous responses or beliefs rather than perceptual experiences.

Other terms used to describe this phenomenon include "bullshitting," "confabulation," and "delusion."

Preventing AI Hallucinations
Preventing AI Hallucinations

Common Types of Hallucinations

AI hallucinations can manifest in various forms:

  1. Factual inaccuracies: The most common type, where an AI model generates text that appears true but isn't.
  2. Complete fabrications: AI text generators may produce entirely made up entirely made-up information
  3. False information about real people: AI can concoct stories by combining bits of true and false information about individuals.
  4. Bizarre or creepy outputs: Sometimes, AI models produce strange or unsettling content because they aim to generalize and be creative.
  5. Visual hallucinations: In image recognition systems and AI image generators, the AI may perceive patterns or objects that don't exist.

Impact on AI Reliability

The prevalence of AI hallucinations has a significant impact on the reliability and practical deployment of AI systems:

  1. Accuracy concerns: By 2023, analysts estimated that chatbots hallucinate as much as 27% of the time, with factual errors in 46% of their responses.
  2. Decision-making risks: Inaccurate outputs can lead to flawed decisions, financial losses, and damage to a company's reputation. This is why one of the 2024 AI trends was "Hallucination Insurance."
  3. Accountability issues: The use of AI in decision-making processes raises questions about liability for mistakes.
  4. Misinformation spread: AI-generated news articles without proper fact-checking can lead to the mass spread of misinformation, potentially affecting elections and society's grasp on truth.
  5. Safety concerns: In critical sectors like healthcare, AI hallucinations can lead to incorrect diagnoses or treatments, posing potential dangers.

Work to Avoid AI Hallucinations

Work is underway to reduce the number of hallucinations, and newer LLMs already perform better on truthfulness.

A paper from the University of Chicago shows that GPT-4 scored almost 15% better than its predecessor.

A team of Oxford researchers is working on preventing unnecessary hallucinations—those that do not stem from inaccurate training data.

However, eliminating hallucinations may not be possible without sacrificing the creative capabilities that make LLMs powerful.

Because of this, we need to learn how to use it well and train employees to practice good judgment as part of our AI change management programs.

Causes of AI Hallucinations

So what are the causes of AI Hallucinations? AI Hallucinations are usually caused by its training data, the way the model was architected, or how the model was prompted by the user.

Causes of AI Hallucinations
Causes of AI Hallucinations

Limitations of Training Data

According to MIT Sloan, one of the main factors contributing to AI hallucinations is the nature and quality of training data.

Large language models (LLMs) such as GPT and LlaMa undergo extensive unsupervised training on diverse datasets from multiple sources.

However, ensuring this data's fairness, unbiasedness, and factual correctness poses significant challenges.

AI systems that rely on internet-sourced datasets may inadvertently include biased or incorrect information.

This misinformation can impact the model's outputs, as the AI doesn't distinguish between accurate and inaccurate data.

For example, Bard's error regarding the James Webb Space Telescope demonstrates how reliance on flawed data can lead to confident but incorrect assertions.

Insufficient or biased training data can cause AI systems to generate hallucinations due to their skewed understanding of the world.

When the data lacks diversity or fails to capture the full spectrum of possible scenarios, the resulting AI model may produce inaccurate or misleading information.

Model Architecture Issues

Hallucinations can also arise from flaws in model architecture or suboptimal training objectives.

An architecture flaw or misaligned training objective can cause the model to generate content that doesn't align with the intended use or expected performance. This misalignment may result in nonsensical or factually incorrect outputs.

Overfitting is another common issue in machine learning that can lead to AI hallucinations. When a model learns the details and noise in the training data excessively, it negatively impacts performance on new data.

This over-specialization can cause the model to fail in generalizing its knowledge, applying irrelevant patterns when making decisions or predictions.

Prompt Engineering Challenges

The way prompts are engineered can significantly influence the occurrence of hallucinations. If a prompt lacks adequate context or is ambiguously worded, the LLM might generate an incorrect or unrelated answer.

By addressing these challenges in training data, model architecture, and prompt engineering, developers, and users can work to reduce the occurrence of AI hallucinations and improve the overall reliability of AI systems.

Top Techniques for Preventing AI Hallucinations

Techniques for Preventing AI Hallucinations
Techniques for Preventing AI Hallucinations

Choose the Right Model

As Zapier recommends, don't use foundation models to do things they aren't trained to do.

For example, ChatGPT is a general-purpose chatbot trained on a wide range of content. It's not designed for specific uses like citing case law or conducting a scientific literature review.

While it will often give you an answer, it's likely to be a pretty bad answer. Instead, find an AI tool designed for the task and use it.

The above is the reason more people are defaulting to Perplexity (one of our Top 100 AI tools for Work) for answers where checking sources is a must.

Using Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)

Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) is one of the most powerful tools to prevent AI hallucinations.

RAG augments prompt by gathering information from a custom database, and then the large language model generates an answer based on that data. This approach has become increasingly popular in Silicon Valley.

By giving the AI tool a narrow focus and quality information, the RAG-supplemented chatbot becomes more adept at answering questions on specific topics:

"Rather than just answering based on the memories encoded during the initial training of the model, you utilize the search engine to pull in real documents—whether it's case law, articles, or whatever you want—and then anchor the response of the model to those documents.” – Pablo Arredondo, VP of CoCounsel, Thomson Reuters

However, it's important to note that the accuracy of the content in the custom database is critical for solid outputs, and mastering each step in the RAG process is crucial to prevent missteps that can throw the model off.

Adding your own data to LLMs doesn't have to be difficult: simply add your data when creating GPTs, the personalized no-code apps in ChatGPT. Ensure to specify that the model should only use your data for its answers.

Improved Prompts

Effective prompt engineering gives clarity and specificity to guide ChatGPT or other AI models toward producing relevant and accurate responses.

To minimize hallucinations through prompt engineering:

  1. Use simple, direct language and focus on specific tasks or questions for each prompt.
  2. Clearly indicate the required output format, such as a list or paragraph. Ask the model to output its answer in as little text as possible. 
  3. Provide context to clarify the purpose or scope of the task as part of your  CO-DO SuperPrompts. (You can create these using our ChatGPT Prompt Generator.)
  4. Break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps, also known as chain-of-thought prompting.
  5. Ask AI to cite its sources.
  6. Include a note that the AI "should never hallucinate, and never put any inaccurate results in its answers."

To learn how to improve your AI skills, check out our Lead with AI program for executives or any of the best generative AI courses we curated.

Double-Check Outputs

Even when practicing all of the measures above, hallucinations can still occur.

Always check AI answers for accuracy, even if you're just checking only the parts that don't feel right.

Additionally, you can leverage two or more LLMs in parallel to spot hallucinations by asking your question to a combination of ChatGPT, Claude, and Perplexity.

AI Hallucinations: The Bottom Line

AI hallucinations pose a significant threat to business reliability, and you don't want to get caught with one of them in your deliverables.

To prevent AI hallucinations, practice these key strategies:

  • Choose the right AI models:
    • Use specialized tools for specific tasks
    • Avoid general-purpose AI for niche needs
  • Implement Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) to anchor responses to verified data sources.
  • Master prompt engineering:
    • Use clear, specific language
    • Provide ample context
    • Break complex tasks into manageable steps
  • Adopt a multi-model approach, leveraging tools like ChatGPT, Claude, and Perplexity to cross-verify information.
  • Establish rigorous fact-checking protocols for AI-generated content, especially for critical decisions.

For your teams, invest in AI literacy programs to foster a culture of discerning AI use.

While AI is powerful, human oversight (the 'human in the loop') remains crucial. Cultivate a balanced approach that harnesses AI's strengths while mitigating its weaknesses.

Studies that don't exist and quotes people never uttered: AI hallucinations are everywhere.

And as artificial intelligence continues to become a part of our daily working lives, these hallucinations have become a growing concern.

Hallucinations occur when AI systems generate false or misleading information, and they pose significant challenges for businesses and individuals who rely on AI-powered tools like ChatGPT, Claude, and Microsoft Copilot.

This is why understanding and addressing AI hallucinations is crucial to ensure the reliability and effectiveness of AI applications in today's fast-paced digital landscape.

So, let's dive in.

Understanding AI Hallucinations

Definition of AI Hallucinations

AI hallucinations refer to instances where artificial intelligence systems generate false or misleading information while presenting it as factual.

This phenomenon occurs when large language models (LLMs), which power many AI tools and chatbots, produce responses based on probabilistic predictions rather than factual reasoning or genuine understanding.

Essentially, AI hallucinations are responses that appear plausible but are ungrounded in reality.

The term "hallucination" draws a loose analogy with human psychology, though it's important to note that AI hallucinations involve erroneous responses or beliefs rather than perceptual experiences.

Other terms used to describe this phenomenon include "bullshitting," "confabulation," and "delusion."

Preventing AI Hallucinations
Preventing AI Hallucinations

Common Types of Hallucinations

AI hallucinations can manifest in various forms:

  1. Factual inaccuracies: The most common type, where an AI model generates text that appears true but isn't.
  2. Complete fabrications: AI text generators may produce entirely made up entirely made-up information
  3. False information about real people: AI can concoct stories by combining bits of true and false information about individuals.
  4. Bizarre or creepy outputs: Sometimes, AI models produce strange or unsettling content because they aim to generalize and be creative.
  5. Visual hallucinations: In image recognition systems and AI image generators, the AI may perceive patterns or objects that don't exist.

Impact on AI Reliability

The prevalence of AI hallucinations has a significant impact on the reliability and practical deployment of AI systems:

  1. Accuracy concerns: By 2023, analysts estimated that chatbots hallucinate as much as 27% of the time, with factual errors in 46% of their responses.
  2. Decision-making risks: Inaccurate outputs can lead to flawed decisions, financial losses, and damage to a company's reputation. This is why one of the 2024 AI trends was "Hallucination Insurance."
  3. Accountability issues: The use of AI in decision-making processes raises questions about liability for mistakes.
  4. Misinformation spread: AI-generated news articles without proper fact-checking can lead to the mass spread of misinformation, potentially affecting elections and society's grasp on truth.
  5. Safety concerns: In critical sectors like healthcare, AI hallucinations can lead to incorrect diagnoses or treatments, posing potential dangers.

Work to Avoid AI Hallucinations

Work is underway to reduce the number of hallucinations, and newer LLMs already perform better on truthfulness.

A paper from the University of Chicago shows that GPT-4 scored almost 15% better than its predecessor.

A team of Oxford researchers is working on preventing unnecessary hallucinations—those that do not stem from inaccurate training data.

However, eliminating hallucinations may not be possible without sacrificing the creative capabilities that make LLMs powerful.

Because of this, we need to learn how to use it well and train employees to practice good judgment as part of our AI change management programs.

Causes of AI Hallucinations

So what are the causes of AI Hallucinations? AI Hallucinations are usually caused by its training data, the way the model was architected, or how the model was prompted by the user.

Causes of AI Hallucinations
Causes of AI Hallucinations

Limitations of Training Data

According to MIT Sloan, one of the main factors contributing to AI hallucinations is the nature and quality of training data.

Large language models (LLMs) such as GPT and LlaMa undergo extensive unsupervised training on diverse datasets from multiple sources.

However, ensuring this data's fairness, unbiasedness, and factual correctness poses significant challenges.

AI systems that rely on internet-sourced datasets may inadvertently include biased or incorrect information.

This misinformation can impact the model's outputs, as the AI doesn't distinguish between accurate and inaccurate data.

For example, Bard's error regarding the James Webb Space Telescope demonstrates how reliance on flawed data can lead to confident but incorrect assertions.

Insufficient or biased training data can cause AI systems to generate hallucinations due to their skewed understanding of the world.

When the data lacks diversity or fails to capture the full spectrum of possible scenarios, the resulting AI model may produce inaccurate or misleading information.

Model Architecture Issues

Hallucinations can also arise from flaws in model architecture or suboptimal training objectives.

An architecture flaw or misaligned training objective can cause the model to generate content that doesn't align with the intended use or expected performance. This misalignment may result in nonsensical or factually incorrect outputs.

Overfitting is another common issue in machine learning that can lead to AI hallucinations. When a model learns the details and noise in the training data excessively, it negatively impacts performance on new data.

This over-specialization can cause the model to fail in generalizing its knowledge, applying irrelevant patterns when making decisions or predictions.

Prompt Engineering Challenges

The way prompts are engineered can significantly influence the occurrence of hallucinations. If a prompt lacks adequate context or is ambiguously worded, the LLM might generate an incorrect or unrelated answer.

By addressing these challenges in training data, model architecture, and prompt engineering, developers, and users can work to reduce the occurrence of AI hallucinations and improve the overall reliability of AI systems.

Top Techniques for Preventing AI Hallucinations

Techniques for Preventing AI Hallucinations
Techniques for Preventing AI Hallucinations

Choose the Right Model

As Zapier recommends, don't use foundation models to do things they aren't trained to do.

For example, ChatGPT is a general-purpose chatbot trained on a wide range of content. It's not designed for specific uses like citing case law or conducting a scientific literature review.

While it will often give you an answer, it's likely to be a pretty bad answer. Instead, find an AI tool designed for the task and use it.

The above is the reason more people are defaulting to Perplexity (one of our Top 100 AI tools for Work) for answers where checking sources is a must.

Using Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)

Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) is one of the most powerful tools to prevent AI hallucinations.

RAG augments prompt by gathering information from a custom database, and then the large language model generates an answer based on that data. This approach has become increasingly popular in Silicon Valley.

By giving the AI tool a narrow focus and quality information, the RAG-supplemented chatbot becomes more adept at answering questions on specific topics:

"Rather than just answering based on the memories encoded during the initial training of the model, you utilize the search engine to pull in real documents—whether it's case law, articles, or whatever you want—and then anchor the response of the model to those documents.” – Pablo Arredondo, VP of CoCounsel, Thomson Reuters

However, it's important to note that the accuracy of the content in the custom database is critical for solid outputs, and mastering each step in the RAG process is crucial to prevent missteps that can throw the model off.

Adding your own data to LLMs doesn't have to be difficult: simply add your data when creating GPTs, the personalized no-code apps in ChatGPT. Ensure to specify that the model should only use your data for its answers.

Improved Prompts

Effective prompt engineering gives clarity and specificity to guide ChatGPT or other AI models toward producing relevant and accurate responses.

To minimize hallucinations through prompt engineering:

  1. Use simple, direct language and focus on specific tasks or questions for each prompt.
  2. Clearly indicate the required output format, such as a list or paragraph. Ask the model to output its answer in as little text as possible. 
  3. Provide context to clarify the purpose or scope of the task as part of your  CO-DO SuperPrompts. (You can create these using our ChatGPT Prompt Generator.)
  4. Break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps, also known as chain-of-thought prompting.
  5. Ask AI to cite its sources.
  6. Include a note that the AI "should never hallucinate, and never put any inaccurate results in its answers."

To learn how to improve your AI skills, check out our Lead with AI program for executives or any of the best generative AI courses we curated.

Double-Check Outputs

Even when practicing all of the measures above, hallucinations can still occur.

Always check AI answers for accuracy, even if you're just checking only the parts that don't feel right.

Additionally, you can leverage two or more LLMs in parallel to spot hallucinations by asking your question to a combination of ChatGPT, Claude, and Perplexity.

AI Hallucinations: The Bottom Line

AI hallucinations pose a significant threat to business reliability, and you don't want to get caught with one of them in your deliverables.

To prevent AI hallucinations, practice these key strategies:

  • Choose the right AI models:
    • Use specialized tools for specific tasks
    • Avoid general-purpose AI for niche needs
  • Implement Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) to anchor responses to verified data sources.
  • Master prompt engineering:
    • Use clear, specific language
    • Provide ample context
    • Break complex tasks into manageable steps
  • Adopt a multi-model approach, leveraging tools like ChatGPT, Claude, and Perplexity to cross-verify information.
  • Establish rigorous fact-checking protocols for AI-generated content, especially for critical decisions.

For your teams, invest in AI literacy programs to foster a culture of discerning AI use.

While AI is powerful, human oversight (the 'human in the loop') remains crucial. Cultivate a balanced approach that harnesses AI's strengths while mitigating its weaknesses.

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