Hybrid work, the blend of on-site and remote work, is more popular than ever, no matter what we may hear in the media.
On this page, we've collected over 100 Hybrid Work Statistics and Trends as of November 2024.
We will update this article constantly so that you have the latest research at your fingertips!
If something is missing, please contact us!
Statistics on hybrid adoption in 2024
- Gallup's latest insights show that the majority of remote-capable employees are currently working in a hybrid or exclusively remote arrangement, and the ability to work in a hybrid arrangement is what most remote-capable employees want. Six in 10 employees with remote-capable jobs want a hybrid work arrangement. About one-third prefer fully remote work, and less than 10% prefer to work on-site. (Gallup,2024)

- 67% of US firms offer work location flexibility. (Flex Index, Q3 2024)

- 90% of firms founded since 2011 are now offering flexibility. This trend is consistent among larger firms as well. For companies with over 500 employees, less than 70% of those founded before 2000 offer work location flexibility, compared to 89% of those established in 2011 or later. (Flex Index, Q3 2024)

- Structured Hybrid models, which blend remote and in-office work on a set schedule, are now adopted by 38% of U.S. firms. The "Minimum Days/Week" model remains the preferred choice for companies implementing a Structured Hybrid approach, with 74% of companies adopting this model. (Flex Index, Q3 2024)

- Technology and Telecommunications rank among the top three most flexible industries, with Insurance securing the second spot, offering 91% of companies work location flexibility. (Flex Index, Q3 2024)

- Larger companies lean towards more office time. Smaller firms with 500 or fewer employees are most likely to choose Fully Flexible models and least likely to require Full Time In Office. In contrast, larger firms favor Structured Hybrid models and are least likely to be Fully Flexible. Among companies with 500 to 5,000 employees, Full Time In Office is the prevailing requirement, making it the only size group where in-office work is the most common. (Flex Index, Q3 2024)

- Between 22 May and 2 June 2024, working arrangements among UK workers were as follows:
- Only worked from home: 14% (compares to 38% in June 2020), and
- Travelled to work and worked from home: 26% (Forbes, 2024)
- Nearly two-thirds (65%) of remote-capable Gen Z employees reported they preferred to work in a hybrid environment. This is a higher share than their millennial (60%), Gen X (58%), and Baby Boomer (56%) counterparts. (Fortune, 2024)
- Of all the variables Gallup analyzed, work location shows the biggest differences in employees’ experiences with loneliness. Fully remote employees report significantly higher levels of loneliness (25%) than do those who work exclusively on-site (16%) -- hybrid workers fall in between at 21%. (Gallup, 2024)
- Choudhury emphasized that hybrid work is firmly entrenched in today's workforce. Citing data from Stanford researcher Nick Bloom, he noted that as of last year, 28% of workdays occurred remotely, and this trend is expected to continue. He stressed that the success of hybrid work models largely depends on how healthy managers are equipped to support their teams in this environment. (Nick Bloom, 2023)
- Most employees now come to the office 2-3 days per week. This and leadership's desires of how often people come in (~3 days per week) has stabilized in the second half of 2023. We may have reached "hybrid work equilibrium." (Scoop/FlexIndex, 2023)

- Globally, most graduate employees work one or more days from home. (Nick Bloom/WFHResearch, 2023)

- Hybrid work is the dominant model: 49% of global desk workers work in a hybrid arrangement, 35% work full-time in-office, and 17% work full-time remote. But, 66% want a hybrid model. (Future Forum, 2022)
- Hybrid models with employee choice and gathering for key events yields almost 100% employee satisfaction and compliance, better than fixed days of the week! This is the type of model companies like Atlassian, Airbnb, Cotopaxi, Dropbox, HubSpot and many others are using. Support people to come together for events that matter to teams: quarterly gatherings, new team formation, and or big project kickoffs. (BCG, 2023)
- How people work has fundamentally changed yet 63% of global workers have returned to physical workplaces that have not been remodeled since the pandemic. A majority (72%) of U.S. workers have choice of where to work within the workplace however, they may not have the choices they need. (Gensler, 2023)

- Top-Down Decrees Lead to Dissatisfaction. People who are dissatisfied with their work model are >2.5 times more likely to consider leaving. Reversely, team-level decisions result in 3X better levels of satisfaction than top-down mandates. (BCG, 2023)
- According to Gallup research, eight in 10 remote-capable employees expect to work hybrid or fully remote in the future. (Gallup, 2023)

- Structured Hybrid is the most popular work location flexibility model for Fortune 500 companies. The largest Fortune 500 companies are even more likely to adopt Structured Hybrid compared to their smaller peers. (Scoop/Flex Index, 2023)

- The vast majority of Professional Services companies have adopted flexible work. 65% of Professional Services companies offer a hybrid work arrangement; 21% are Fully Remote. (Flex Index, 2023)
- While Professional Services companies broadly offer work location flexibility, there are significant differences by sub-sector. Marketing Services companies overwhelmingly offer Full Flexibility. HR & Staffing Services companies are most likely to require Full Time In Office. Legal Services is the Professional Services sub-sector with the highest percentage of companies adopting a Structured Hybrid model. (Flex Index, 2023)

- According to Scoop, employees at professional services companies are very used to working in multiple locations, often moving back and forth between company offices and client sites. Put a different way, employees at these companies are used to operating in an environment where teams are not co-located five days a week. These companies were “hybrid” before it had a name!
Statistics about hybrid work productivity
- 66% of managers saw increased productivity, and 48.5% said productivity has ‘significantly improved.’ Only 2% saw a decrease in productivity. Managers said their own productivity has significantly improved (38%) and not decreased (96%) (FlexOS)
- Your very best team members, "thriving stars," are more likely to flourish in hybrid and remote-working models, suggesting the working model has an impact on people’s ability to balance satisfaction, commitment, well-being, and self-reported performance. (McKinsey)
- Employees with location flexibility report 81% higher productivity scores, underscoring that there is no negative relationship between remote work and productivity. (Future Forum)
- 53% of people in APAC believe that the hybrid work model increases employee productivity, while 35% think flexible work will impact their physical environment and equipment. (The Economist)
Hybrid policy statistics
- Having clear 'rules of engagement' or hybrid work policies are critical in hybrid and remote teams, but research shows that only 28% of companies created clear team agreements. (Microsoft)
- According to Gallup research in Q2 2023, hybrid workers report coming into the office 2.6 days per week. The biggest change is that more hybrid workers are now coming in three days per week, while fewer are occupying the extremes of one or four days on-site per week. (Gallup, 2023)

- Hybrid workers are most commonly in the office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The office tends to be a ghost town on Fridays, with only one-third of hybrid workers in attendance. (Gallup, 2023)

- Gallup research reveals that four in 10 hybrid workers get to set their own office schedule. Specifically, 31% of hybrid employees have full autonomy to choose their own office schedule each week, and another 10% are encouraged (but not required) to follow certain guidelines. In contrast, five in 10 hybrid employees have a required hybrid schedule. (Gallup, 2023)

- Gallup finds that hybrid workers are most engaged when their team works together to determine their hybrid schedules. Unfortunately, we also find that this is the least common approach to designing hybrid work schedules, with only 12% of hybrid employees saying their team uses a collaborative decision-making process. (Gallup, 2023)

Hybrid work collaboration statistics
- The number one reason why hybrid employees come to the office is “to work with my team.” (McKinsey)
- Among workers whose team has a plan for improving hybrid collaboration, the following practices are most commonly used, with all of them showing some benefit to employee engagement. (Gallup, 2024):
- Regularly scheduled team check-in meetings (67%) top the list of best practices, indicating that two-thirds (67%) of hybrid workers whose team has a plan for hybrid collaboration have the opportunity to optimize how they coordinate work with their teammates.
- The next most common practices are having guidelines for when to be available during working hours (62%) and guidelines for communicating periods of unavailability (50%).
- The least common practice is providing guidelines for prioritizing specific activities to focus on while on-site (29%).

Statistics about hybrid work and company culture
- Remote and hybrid workers are 57% more likely to say their company culture has improved over the past two years. They cite flexible work policies as the #1 factor behind that improvement (Future Forum)
- 32% of hybrid and remote employees said they feel connected to their company values, compared to 28% of office-bound workers. (Future Forum)
Statistics on managing hybrid teams
- 80% of hybrid workers have not received any formal training on how to best work in a hybrid environment, and 73% of hybrid managers and senior leaders are equally unprepared to lead hybrid teams. (Gallup, 2024)
- 39% of hybrid and remote employees said they feel connected to their manager, compared to 34% of office-bound workers. (Future Forum)
- 98% say they trust their teams to be productive on non-office days. Only one respondent (out of 200) said they didn't. (FlexOS)
- 63% of employees said the company trained them on how to hold effective and inclusive hybrid meetings and 62% said the company trained managers on how to manage remote/hybrid teams. (Owl Labs, 2023)
Return to office statistics
- 73% of employees are rethinking their future at the company after the Amazon return to office announcement.
- On-site employees have dropped the most in engagement since 2020.
- 74% of introverts don't want to be at home full-time. 82% of extroverted workers prefer a hybrid work model (Myers-Briggs)
- A new 2023 Owl Labs report on hybrid work shows that coming to the office costs employees $51 per day. And that 29% of employees, therefore, expect a salary increase if their boss mandates a return to the office. (Owl Labs, 2023)

Statistics about employees engagement
- Gallup’s study found that employees whose jobs could be performed with remote flexibility but required to work on-site daily have the lowest engagement level. (Gallup, 2024)

- Hybrid US employees are happier than last year, with 92% saying they feel more engaged. Meanwhile, this rate dropped for those entirely in-person or fully at home, according to Morning Consult.

- Gallup’s latest statistics (data in May 2024) showed hybrid employees feel most connected to their organization’s mission or purpose, while fully in-office employees think the least. (Gallup, 2024)

- Work teams that set their hybrid policy together have the highest engagement, but only 12% of employees benefit from this approach. (Gallup, 2024)

Statistics about employees motivations to work hybrid
- 70% said they wanted greater location flexibility, while 71% favored greater time flexibility, which is much higher than the companies are willing to provide. (The Economist)
- 53% of people in APAC believe that the hybrid work model increases employee productivity, while 35% think flexible work will impact their physical environment and equipment. (The Economist)
- 25% of workers said they would take a 15% pay cut to have a 4-day work week (8 hours/day) (Owl Labs, 2023)

- 58% of hybrid employees “coffee badge” - also known as showing face at the office and then leaving. Men tend to coffee badge more than women; while 63% of Milennials coffee badge, compared to 54% of Gen X, 43% of Gen Z, and 38% of Boomers. (Owl Labs, 2023)

- According to Owl Labs, 83% of employees said technology is important to them when working, while 82% said they prefer to work flexibly in days and hours, and 80% of employees prefer to work flexibly in location. (Owl Labs, 2023)

- Employers actively recruiting should consider a flexible working arrangement since 40% of employees do not accept a job if the company does not allow for flexible working hours, while 38% of employees prefer flexible in working locations. (Owl Labs, 2023)

- The recent research from FlexOS shows that 50% of all employees practicing remote or hybrid remote work believe that more flexible time to work can improve their remote or hybrid policy. Even people who almost always work in-office would like more flexibility in when to work (48%). (FlexOS, 2023)

- 30% of hybrid employees want more in-office days. Even amongst almost and fully remote employees, 10% think more in-office days will help improve working policy. But just as many people want more remote days, highlighting that the number of office days remains a contention. (FlexOS, 2023)

Hybrid work Statistics by generation
- Younger generations (Gen Z and Millennials) have the largest gap in what they say and do. They come into the office 43-44% respectively but say they ideally need the office 64-65% of a typical week. More than their older counterparts, they value the office to focus on their work, socialize with colleagues, be part of a community, and for professional development/coaching. (Gensler, 2023)
- Workers living with children under the age of 12 report a preference for full and extended days in the office beyond 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., while office workers living with children above the age of 12 have a stronger preference for partial days. (Gensler, 2023)
- Adults who live alone mostly schedule full days in the office but would prefer partial days or to come in only for specific meetings. (Gensler, 2023)
APAC hybrid statistics in 2023
As FlexOS is headquartered in Asia, we thought it would be good to look into statistics as it applies to our region specifically.
Given the many benefits of hybrid remote working models, and the young population in the region, it's no wonder that APAC organizations are wholeheartedly embracing hybrid work.
In fact, most companies in the region are actively encouraging this new model, recognizing its potential to revolutionize the way we work. And guess what? The support from employees is sky-high. They understand the value of hybrid work and the transformation it brings to their professional lives.
- 85% of companies actively promote and embrace a hybrid model. (Telstra)
- Nearly 43% of people in APAC worked in a hybrid arrangement for the first time during the pandemic, which is a stark contrast to pre-pandemic days when 78% of people had zero remote workdays. (The Economist)
- Nearly 53% of people in APAC believe that increased employee productivity will be a significant benefit of a hybrid work model. In comparison, only 35% of people believe that flexible work will impact their physical environment and equipment. (The Economist)
- 65% of employees across ASEAN believed that their quality of work has improved while working hybrid, with 66% noting development in job-related skills and knowledge, while 64% indicating a productivity improvement. (Cisco)
- 7 in 10 employees across Asia have supported a shift to a hybrid work model. (Mercer)
- IDC says that more than 83% of employees report that the hybrid work model has made them more productive. (IDC)
- 92% of Singaporean employees want to take an active role and create small events like lunches or doing something fun after work to ensure the team stays connected while doing hybrid work. (FlexOS)
- 82% of business decision-makers say that getting employees back to the office in person is their primary concern, while 28% of surveyed said that their organization is prepared for hybrid work. (The Economist)

- Accenture study, 63% of high-revenue growth companies have enabled productivity anywhere workforce models. Every 7 in 10 organizations are now recruiting talent from allocations and allowing hybrid work arrangements as it opens doors for new talent from all around the world. (Accenture)
- 45% of organizations in the Asia Pacific are increasing investments in emerging technologies, 43% in cybersecurity, and 41% in increasing the pace of digital innovation projects. Almost 57% of APAC leaders are planning to invest in technologies that can better measure productivity across a hybrid work environment and optimize their operations. (Accenture)
A quick note on the terminology.
Hybrid and remote work (work from home) exist along a spectrum, with various approaches tailored to different organizations and individuals.
On one end of the spectrum, we have fully remote, and a remote-first model, where employees primarily work online. But, physical office spaces are still available for occasional in-person needs. On the other end of the spectrum, we find a more office-centric approach with limited work-from-home allowances.

Within hybrid remote work models itself, we find three primary hybrid work schedules:
- Hybrid Choice: Employees can select the days to work in the office within a minimum requirement. So, you need three days in the office, and deciding which ones are up to you. Google has this model, as does Facebook.
- Partial Choice: Alongside designated office days, employees can decide which additional days they want to work from the office, still with a minimum number of days.
- Fixed Days, or Organized Hybrid. This is where employers specify the days employees must be in the office.
Certain companies embrace complete freedom of choice, allowing employees to select their preferred working style as captured in their hybrid work policy.
Hubspot, an early adopter of hybrid work, offers its employees complete choice. Twice a year, each individual can choose their preferred profile, be it fully remote, hybrid, or predominantly office-based. Each option comes with its set of distinct benefits. For instance, those opting for complete remote work receive a more substantial budget for setting up their home office, while those favoring full office work enjoy a dedicated desk.
"In the last year, productivity has stayed the same, while the share of employees working from home has increased. Even better, the score on its annual question about how likely employees are to recommend HubSpot as a great place to work is 14% higher for employees working fully at home compared to the rest." – Eimear Marrinan, HubSpot VP of Culture and ESG
Which model to choose?
Globally, we observe a growing trend towards organized hybrid models, wherein employers determine when employees should come into the office, per recent Scoop data. This model has experienced a 30% surge in popularity during the last quarter, mainly at the expense of fully office-based approaches.
What's suitable for your team or company depends on many factors.
Virtual Internships' inspiring Global Head of People Operations Lucie Zajíčková said it well: "It's not about remote or hybrid but about flexibility, and having choice & control over how people work." Job van der Voort, Remote's visionary CEO echoed this in a recent post: "It's not about working from home or not going to an office. It's about changing the relationship with work."
"It's not about remote or hybrid but about flexibility, and having choice & control over how people work." – Lucie Zajíčková, Virtual Internships
There are great reasons for companies to adopt hybrid and remote models.
Hybrid and remote work boosts job satisfaction, engagement, and commitment, offering benefits such as increased flexibility, reduced commuting, and cost savings while fostering diversity and inclusion; it's highly valued by employees and employers alike for its positive impact on work-life balance, financial savings, and environmental sustainability. Let's review the key statistics that can help you make a case to provide more flexibility to your team.